Allergies can be pretty scary, especially if you don’t know that you have them and then discover (the hard way) that you do. Since allergy tests are normally given as part of most childhood medical care, it’s not uncommon to find out through food-related problems that you do have a food allergy. One of the most common allergies is to egg. Some outgrow this as they age, and some don’t. To keep everyone safe and healthy, take a look at these 6 egg allergy symptoms to see if you need to make any changes.

Common egg allergy symptoms

These symptoms can appear in children or adults, but it’s helpful to take al look at these symptoms specifically in children, as children are prone to having an egg allergy throughout their formative years and aren’t always the best as discussing their symptoms.

  • Hoarse voice: Feeling as though you are losing your voice, or that the voice sounds strained and painful when talking.
    It may or may not be painful for the person who is trying to speak.
  • Tight throat and coughing: Having coughing spells and spasms as well as a tight, itchy throat is also common in egg allergy symptoms. The severity can depend on the severity of the allergy, as well as how much was eaten.
  • Itchy or red eyes: Whether they feel itchy or they just look swollen, runny, or red, dealing with “congested” eyes is never fun.
    This is most often combined with a slightly runny nose as well.
  • Feeling lightheaded and dizzy: Mental fog and dizziness are also common. It could be severe enough to make you feel lightheaded and even pass out, especially if you’re moving around a lot while this is happening.
  • Nausea and stomach pain: From just feeling queasy to actually vomiting can happen quickly. Severe cramping and stomach upset are also common with an allergy to eggs, which can upset the stomach enough to cause vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Wheezing and difficulty breathing: Considered the most severe, any inflammation of the airways is going to cause wheezing or a tightness in the chest, which can make it hard for someone to get in a full lungful of air.

What if I notice some of these?

If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you or for a child in your life, it’s important to get tested. Egg allergy symptoms don’t have to be all or nothing. That is, you could have issues with #1 and #2 but never have #5 or #6. If any of these are happening, an allergy test will give you the support to get the diagnosis you may need.

Since an allergy can quickly progress from, say #1 to #6 from one exposure to another, it’s important that none of these egg allergy symptoms be ignored. A food allergy should always be taken seriously because the body may change its reaction without warning and leave you and your loved one dealing with a potential for a blocked airway. The first step to keep them safe is getting confirmed test results.