While we may not always be in-tune with our bodies, quite often, they can be sending us signals and signs that should alert us to a problem. One of the most common issues that often gets overlooked is a food allergy. Identifying and confirming a food allergy is critical in protecting yourself and your body. And it isn’t as hard as you’d think, especially when it comes to being allergic to eggs.

Can You Be Allergic to Eggs?

Yes, you can be allergic to eggs. Just like an allergy to tree nuts, soy, or yeast, egg allergies are especially common in children. Sometimes allergies are what are referred to as “childhood allergies” and disappear with age and development. This is not always the case, however, and whether they are short- or long-term, understanding and adequately avoiding a food allergen is critical for health and safety.

Symptoms of an Egg Allergy

When it comes to finding out that you’re allergic to eggs, here are some of the common signs to watch for. These reactions could happen immediately after eating an egg product, or after a bit of time has passed:

  1. Digestive issues: Whether it’s flatulence, moderate cramping, nausea, or even vomiting, these are all common with mild or moderate egg allergies. The severity or combination of symptoms depends on the allergy itself.
  2. Cold or flu-like symptoms: Congestion in the nose or throat, as well as a mild fever or simply feeling unwell, are also classically overlooked symptoms. The goal of identifying this is to notice when it happens and how long it lasts. This could be accompanied by breathing issues, such as a lump in the throat, swelling of the tongue, wheezing or coughing, or tingling in the mouth or throat.
  3. Skin reactions: Rashes and hives are common symptoms with an egg allergy. The rashes and hives could just be hot and raised changes to the skin, or they could be itchy or prickly. The rashes or hives could be around the face or neck, or they could be elsewhere on the body.

 Think You Might Have an Allergy? Check!

There’s only one thing worse than finding out that you have a food allergy, and that’s not finding out that you have a food allergy and then having an allergic reaction. Food allergies are always serious, no matter how mild the symptoms, and you should always be confirmed with formal test results as soon as possible. The severity of one instance of a reaction doesn’t promise the severity of the next one will match. So it’s always wise to get a formal test done to help you avoid the right food ingredient in the future. In this case, eggs.

There are a few ways that you can have a food allergy diagnosed; there is the classic skin prick test or the blood sample test. The testing method you choose should be one that makes the most sense for your preferences as well as the timeline in which you are willing to wait for results.