When you pour yourself a cup of tea in the morning, it’s not uncommon to add in a bit of cream and sugar. Have you ever stopped to think about the sugar that you’re using, though? More and more people are starting to get into the idea of sweeteners, especially because you can find natural-based sweeteners that taste great. This is especially so if you are dealing with sugar intolerance. But what’s the real deal when it comes to natural sugars or artificial sugars? And which should you be using?

The role of sugar intolerance

One of the main reasons that most people start hunting around for information on sugars and sweeteners is because they find out that they have a sugar intolerance.
Finding a tasty alternative is important to make sure that you can still enjoy baking and cooking as normally as possible. Before you diagnose yourself as being intolerant to sugar, however, make sure you confirm it with an actual intolerance test. You may be making changes that you don’t have to, otherwise!

Natural sugars

One option is to go the route of natural sugars instead of jumping straight to artificial options. These could include fruit juices or honey. Another popular one is maple syrup. Added to tea or into baking gives it that same sweetness, but you aren’t going with the traditional sugar or the artificial sweetener. It can sometimes change the flavor of your baking, though, or cause sugar intolerance symptoms if it turns out that you are intolerant to more specialized sugars such as the ones in fruits (yet another reason that proper testing should be your first step).

Artificial sweeteners

The second option, common with dieters, is to use artificial sweeteners such as stevia, Sucralose and more. These are often effective in giving that powerful sweetness, which means you can use less of it and still get that kicker sweetness that you’re looking for in your baking or other activities. It’s also popular in your tea or coffee when you only want to add a hint of sweetness.

The verdict

At the end of the day, the best one is what works best for your tastebuds. Some don’t like the taste of sweeteners and want to go with natural, more trustworthy options. Others don’t like the way that syrup or fruit juices will change the flavor of their treats and want straight artificial sweeteners with no change in flavor. The best way to choose is to get a taste for both of them and see which you like more.
As with any kind of sugary thing, it’s important to watch how much you have it anyway!

Not all options are made equal, but both natural and artificial sweeteners have pros and cons that should be explored with your taste buds in particular. This will help you choose which one is going to be right for you, your tastebuds, and your overall enjoyment of baking, tea sweetness, and anything else you’re missing out on!